How Do You Distinguish Original Jeans Models?
Today our markets are overwhelmed by fake jeans models made on the factories of Indonesia, China and Korea. Sometimes they are well imitating original customized denim and their price is correspondingly high. And you discover you’ve bought a fake only after a couple of months during which you’ve been wearing your jeans! The cloth on seams wears off, and the knees of the jeans are destroyed with wrinkles. Today it can be really difficult to find genuine quality denim. Besides, we always want to have it cheap and quality.
That is why from now on you’ll have to become a bit skeptical when you decide to buy a new pair of jeans. Most fake models imitate classical denim by established brands like Lee, Wrangler and Levi’s or modern custom jeans by TomTailor or Getwear. The first quality characteristic is, of course, the price of tailor made jeans. Original models that cost 20 dollars do not exist. Such denim will be destroyed very soon. The best way to check the jeans is to fold them on seams – if you see that trouser legs build wrinkles and warp, don’t buy them, they are definitely fake.
The next thing you should explore is the pattern of denim. Even the cheapest cotton fabric can look like quality denim with the help of amylum. However, after the first wash the amylum is washed away and the jeans are ruined. That is why always feel the denim structure with your hands. The looks of fake jeans can strongly resemble the looks of original Lee or Wrangler, but the weight of the fake is less than 850 grams quality denim should have. Then denim Turkish and Chinese jeans are sewn from is very cheap. Even specialist can’t distinguish it from quality denim if they don’t have the opportunity to feel it, so be careful!
Another feature that distinguished quality jeans is their herringbone pattern. Denim should also be regular inside and outside, there should be absolutely no loose stitches or inequalities. Examine the denim your jeans were manufactured from against the light. Then turn the jeans inside out and examine all seams. There also should be no loose stitches or broken seams. All fabric edges should be closed and carefully sewn. Inner stitches of brand jeans are always sewn with a yellow silk thread which doesn’t change its color when the jeans are won or washed. All stitches should be done two times. The bottom of the jeans is sewn with a special double stitch and the step-by-step stitch is made with a solid loopy seam 10-12 centimeters long. Also observe the outside side seams. If you notice a red thread on the edge of denim, then you deal with the original.
On the outside the trademark of most brand jeans is a stitching on back pockets – each denim brand has its own distinguishing feature. Pockets and jeans details are fixed by rivets. Asymmetrical pockets or stitchings are an indication of a fake. Inscriptions on rivets should correspond with the label.
Genuine American jeans usually have a thick leather label on the belt (Levi’s and Lee) or on the pocket (Wrangler). A small Logo should also be repeated on the pocket in a fabric variant. Fake models have a label made from cloth or faux leather. The tag of original customized jeans often has a rumply structure but is carefully seamed on all the sides. Carton tag of quality denim has a bright stamp which can’t be erased when rubbed with a finger. Fake jeans have tags with toneless stamps, for quality printing is expensive as well.
Belt loops guarantee a good fit of jeans. Usually men’s jeans have 7 belt loops and jeans for women have 5. Inner tag of quality American made to measure jeans should include all the information about the product: taking care, size, European code of 10 numbers.
But the main distinguishing feature of original denim are furnishings – zippers, rivets, buttons. Quality denim has furniture of YKK and no other. A logo of the brand should be sewn on the back pockets of jeans.
However, the best way to prevent yourself from buying fake jeans is to buy denim in specialized brand stores.